How to secure yourself at Via Ferrata / Klettersteig?
In addition to having good equipment, you also need to use it correctly!
How do you properly secure yourself to the steel cable?
The steel cables are attached to the rock wall every few meters. The moment you reach such a hook with your carabiners, you will have to release the carabiners one by one and put them back on the steel cable on the other side of the hook. It is of the utmost importance that one carabiner is first attached to the other side of the hook around the steel cable before the 2nd carabiner is detached from the steel cable. If there is a moment when both carabiners are detached from the steel cable, you are not secured at that moment and a fall can be fatal!
If you climb up along a steel cable, it is wise to secure yourself as high as possible. In the event of a fall, the number of fall meters is therefore smaller than if you secured yourself lower. So don't wait too long before hanging, but hang your carabiners above the next hook as soon as you can. And also make sure that you leave at least 2 anchor points between two climbers - so don't climb too close together in vertical passages.
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