Business hours and holidays

Below opening hours CanyonZone:

 of the shop (Warehouse & Shop) in Zutphen

Visit to the store is by appointment, call (06-20237357) or mail (

Monday by appointment
Tuesday   by appointment
Wednesdayby appointment
Thursday         by appointment
Fridagby appointment
Saturdayby appointment
Sundagby appointment

We are available during the day by telephone or WhatsApp on 0031 (0) 6-2023 7357.


Adres: Maria Rutgersstraat 49, 7207GX Zutphen NL

Opening hours on holidays:

Good Friday 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Easter SundayClosed
Easter Monday12.00 - 17.00 uur
King's Day (April 27)Closed
Ascension DayBy appointment
Whit Sunday               Closed
Whit Monday12.00 - 17.00 hours
Christmas Day (December 25)By appointment
Boxing Day (December 26)By appoinment


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