How does CanyonZone handle reviews and ratings?

 We appreciate a review.

  • All positive and negative reviews of products are mentioned
  • Products in the CanyonZone range are often first tested by ourselves.
  • Reviews of articles / equipment are often also shared via Google.
  • I am not paid or sponsored for reviews.
  • Fake reviews: If there is any doubt about a review, IP addresses are checked to ensure that the reviewer has actually purchased the product or used the service.
  • I do not post reviews about my own products or services.
  • I do not pay or give benefits to a reviewer to write a review without indicating this in the review. If applicable, it will be listed with a “Sponsored” label.

where my reviews are displayed handles reviews as follows:

Google review: If you would like to give one on Google review, click here.

FAQ overview: Go back.


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