Crete Canyoning - Crete - Κρήτη

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€ 59,50 € 46,99 (including VAT)

Crete Canyoning - Crete - Κρήτη

 language(s): Greek - English
Author: Yannis Bromirakis

 The reputation of Crête as a canyon destination at the start or end of the season is well established ...
Almost 15 years after having published a quickly out of print first opus, Yiannis Bromirakis returns with a completely revised and largely completed work. Thus, the book goes from 34 to 80 described canyons! For each canyons, we will find photos, access map, topographic section, description in Greek and English, technical characteristics, GPS points, travel time, etc ...

Early spring is the best period to visit Crete, a famous tourist destination for Europeans and Americans.   The guide is written in two languages: English and Greek.
We suddenly went from 168 pages to 368 pages, which certainly explains why the price of the book has also greatly increased. Nevertheless all this is to be put in perspective with the investment and the passion of the author to make known these canyons ... the largest of the Greek islands, everything becomes relative .

  • Main language(s): Greek - English
  • Release: 11/2021
  • Format: 14.8x22cm
  • Number of pages: 368
  • Main canyons: 81 
  • ISBN 978-618-00-1884-4


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