Can wetsuits be repaired?
It is possible to repair and adjust canyoning wetsuits. That is why a number of products are included in the repair and maintenance section to carry out your repair at home as a canyoneer / speleologist.
Smaller repairs can also be carried out well with, for example, Tear-Aid repair material.
If the damage is larger or you want to have it professionally repaired, you can do this via CanyonZone. I work with a professional repair workshop that specializes in repairing and customizing neoprene wetsuits for canyoning and rafting.
Through trial and error I have learned that not every wetsuit repair workshop knows how to repair a canyoning wetsuit for further use in the canyons.
The shipping costs for a return to the workshop will be around € 40. As CanyonZone I always collect wetsuits to be repaired and entertained to be able to divide the shipping costs among the canyoneers so that these shipping costs are a lot more favorable for everyone. This always depends on whether a canyoneer is not in a hurry to receive his/her wetsuit back.
If you are not in a rush it can be done through CanyonZone.
Usual wetsuit repair:
- Ripped sleeves/legs
- Hole/tear in a wetsuit
- Broken zipper
- Replace Velcro
- Narrowing or widening of pipes or arms
- Re-glue and stitch torn seams
- Replace knee pads
For the possibilities see: Repair, adjustment and tailoring material
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